There are lots of ways that you can use the tools provided in the Operator Marketing Pack to help raise awareness and encourage your customers to download and use the myTrip app. 

So that you can easily market myTrip to your customers, the Operator Marketing Pack contains graphics and resources to help. 

  • Insert media (i.e. for community magazines) 
  • Websites
  • Social media
  • In- and on-bus advertising
  • Promotional letters
  • Email marketing
  • Direct mail
  • Fliers
  • Brochures
  • Posters
  • Postcards

Here is the full list of the contents of the Operator Marketing Pack.


To maximise your reach and encourage your customers to download and use the app, you may wish to try using the materials provided in even more places, so here are our recommendations when applying myTrip artwork or branding to your existing promotional materials. 

  1. Do a test print first - make sure images have printed correctly, text is legible and the colours look correct. Unsure? Let us know and we can take a look. 
  2. Make sure the colours you use in any promotional materials you create yourself are correct - not close. For more information on myTrip brand colours see page 20 in the brand guidelines in your Operator Marketing Pack. 
  3. Make sure you are using the right size graphic for your needs - and don't be afraid to ask if you need a size that’s not already been provided. We will do our best to accommodate requests.
  4. Remember that print and digital materials have different specifications - e.g. Printing an image that was set up and designed specifically for screens can leave you with a pixelated image. Equally, using an image that was set up and designed specifically for print can lead to colours not rendering correctly on the screen.  
  5. Consider the positioning - i.e If you are adding something to a website, poster or flyer make sure it’s oriented to fit the space. You might need to use an alternate version for portrait and landscape, for example.
  6. Think about accessibility. The size of text and imagery and also the colours used in your marketing materials should be easily read by everyone.
  7. Check out our guide to using social media and the types of posts you can use to promote myTrip.
  8. The myTrip fonts can be downloaded here. There’s more information about them from page 15 of the myTrip Brand Guidelines.
  9. If you need screenshots showing the myTrip app, please get in contact with us. We will send you the latest version of the myTrip product in use, so you can be confident you have the most up-to-date version. Please don’t use a screenshot from your phone or desktop as these are not always high resolution.
  10. Don’t forget, there is a library of print and digital-ready myTrip graphics for you to use in-bus and on-bus in the Operator Marketing Pack. We’ve expanded the pack over time, thanks to feedback from operators. If you need something that is not currently in the pack, please let us know.

As we all work together to help make public transport the first choice for travellers - it’s important that myTrip’s brand look and feel stays consistent.

If you are having any difficulties or would like to request artwork in a bespoke size - please contact us with your requests.