Please ensure that updated TXC dataset files are sent to us at least 7 days in advance. This will allow us time to review and upload the file. Please note that files are only added to the system during working hours and an automatic upload is then completed overnight. Additional checks are then made the following working day. 


When exporting TransXChange, ensure that the resulting files are valid TXC, this can be done within the export options of the timetabling software, or via DfT’s TXC Publisher.


You can use DfT’s TXC Publisher to generate a PDF timetable, which you can preview to ensure your data is correct.

Please use valid ATCO codes when defining stops, if these stops are not currently in Naptan they should be added. Where required stops can be defined in your TXC that are not in Naptan however we encourage ensuring Naptan is complete.

Following the TransXChange schema, please ensure all unique key constraints are followed, unique keys should not appear more than once e.g. Service codes/service private codes.

Export Options

Ensure your TransXChange does not contain “Dead Runs”.

You should export TransXChange 2.4 where possible, otherwise, TransXChange 2.1 is also currently supported. We do not support mixing 2.4 and 2.1 files within the same dataset.

File Structure

We support uploading of TransXChange as a single .zip file containing multiple .xml files.

Note that you should not upload .zip files containing other .zip files.

Note that you should avoid having multiple files with overlapping data (e.g. 1 line across 2 files within the same timeframe) unless you have confirmed these are merged correctly within the dataset preview.

Files are merged in the order they are presented within the zip file (alphabetically).

Generally, we'd recommend a single TransXChange file per line within the zip file.

Any questions please feel free to contact us at