When payment for a ticket is refunded from Passenger Cloud, the ticket is disabled, unless it is a Gifted Ticket. This means it can no longer be used by the customer.

Disputes directly from Stripe will also disable the user's ticket automatically.

How to perform a ticket refund

To perform a refund, you must first have the correct permission in Passenger Cloud to access the financial features.

Search for the user using their email address in the Customer Support tile. Once on the customer account, select "Payments" from the left-hand menu.

Next, find the payment and click the "Refund" button, you may need to use the date search to find the payment you are after. 

A pop-up will ask you to confirm the refund. Once the refund is complete, the associated ticket will also be removed.

How to perform a Gifted Ticket refund

To perform a refund, you must first have the correct permission in Passenger Cloud to access the financial features.

Search for the user using their email address in the Customer Support tile. Once on the customer account, select "Gift Codes" from the left-hand menu. Click on the highlighted Gift code you wish to refund. From here you can refund the ticket. There will be a notice to inform you that this will not remove the ticket.

To remove the ticket, click on the Claimed by email address, this will take you to the customer account where the ticket has been claimed. Select the ticket and Remove it. 

If the ticket has not been claimed yet, once refunded it will not be possible to claim the code.

How long do refunds take?

When a refund is issued, Stripe (the service Passenger uses to authenticate payment cards) sends over the refund request to the customer's bank immediately. Refunds then take ~5-10 working days to appear on the customer's account, depending on the bank customer is using.

If a refund is issued very soon after the original transaction, the original transaction charge will be reversed and will disappear from the customer's account, rather than appearing as a charge and separate refund.