Boarding codes (also known as "words of the day") are 5 character words that change daily and can be used by drivers to validate the tickets manually.

With the use of QR code scanning, it is unlikely that drivers will need to validate tickets using boarding codes very often, but we include them by default on the ticket view as part of a contingency plan for when the QR system fails.  

Potential issues include:

  • Issues with specific mobile phones or mobile operating systems having issues creating barcodes;
  • Issues with shared secrets between Passenger and the ETM systems (e.g. Ticketer);
  • Issues with the ETM hardware or software;
  • or where ETMs with QR readers are not available.

In the event of a problem, boarding codes will need to be communicated to drivers. These can be downloaded as a spreadsheet from Passenger Cloud - https://[operatorName]

To communicate these to drivers you could use the ETM messaging system, email drivers or put the codes on a driver noticeboard somewhere.

Learn more about validating boarding codes and revenue protection/ticket inspection.