Services are imported once a TransXChange dataset has been loaded into your myTrip tenant. Services are uniquely identified by a combination of their operator code and service name.

If a service is imported with a different identifier than previously used, a new service is created, so it is important to keep all Operator Codes, Service Names, Service, and Private Codes consistent. 

The following information is imported and displayed from your TransXChange dataset:

  • Name - Service → Service Name
  • Description - Service → Description
  • Directions - StandardService → Origin/Destination/Vias
  • Detail - Vias of the first direction
  • Start / End Date - Service → OperatingPeriod
    • If no start date is defined, the current date is used
    • If no end date is defined, a year from the start date is used

If the Service already exists, then certain fields are updated: 

  • The start date is updated if the new value is before the existing value.
  • The end date is updated if the new value is after the existing value.
  • New directions are added if not previously seen - existing directions are not updated.

Services can be viewed within the “Network” → “Services” section in Passenger Cloud. 

Users can click any of the services listed in the Service list to view further details about that service. 

Note that Services will appear in the service list even if they aren't currently running in the published and current dataset. This is because service information is stored separately in Passenger Cloud to a current TransXChange dataset. So, if the service is running in future datasets the information for that service isn't required to be uploaded from scratch to Passenger Cloud.

To alter any Service information such as name, description, via’s, colours or assets contact your Customer Success Manager or email